A web-based image manipulation tool that allows its users to upload and perform various manipulations on their chosen images, such as applying transformations, Instagram-like color filters and kernel fitlers.
Techonolgies Used: Python3, Django, HTML5/CSS3, Javascript, jQuery, AJAX, Bootstrap, ImageMagick and Pillow.
The original iteration of Theia-web. Despite having much less features than its web-based counterpart, it’s a cross-platform GUI application that allows its users to enter and process images using their own custom 3x3 kernel matrices.
Technologies Used: Python3, Tkinter and Pillow.
Competitive Programming Problems
I solve a lot of competitive programming problems. You’ll find the solutions of numerous problems, along with my thought process, posted on my blog. You can also find them on my Github.
Technologies Used: C++
CRN Paster
AUC’s course registration system can be a pain sometimes. Being a split-second too late when manually typing in course registration numbers (CRN) will almost assuredly mean some courses will fail to register due to them reaching their full capacity. CRN Paster solves this problem by allowing the user to input all their CRNs and pastes them all instantaniously with a press of a button.
I’m currently in the midst of re-implementing CRN Paster using Selenium to fully automate the process.
Technologies Used: Python2, Tkinter
Static Timing Analysis Tool
A Static Timing Analysis Tool for digital circuits. It identifies all the timing paths of a given circuit, applies the Critical Path Method (CPM) on it, and outputs all timing violations (if any), along with the slacks of each gate.
Team Members: 3
Technologies Used: Javascript, jQuery
Mini Game Console
An hardware implementation of both Pong and Breakout on a FPGA board. Can be easily connected to any VGA enabled monitor and features multiplayer with joystick support, an optional “Play against AI” mode, and a hardware-implemented scoreboard.
Team Members: 2
Technologies Used: Verilog HDL, Xilinx Basys2 FPGA
Advanced Pipelined MIPS Simulator
A GUI application that takes a set of MIPS instructions and displays the simulated/pipelined output, step by step.
Team Members: 4
Technologies Used: C++, Qt